Saturday 27 April 2013

Questionnaire about hunted by Fatima Mohamed

The is a sample Questionnaires that have been handed out to the potential audience, when looking at these questionnnaires I had to think about how I can meets the what of my fan, without changing the plot of my movie and sticking to the original idea that I had. 

Monday 15 April 2013

Film Inspiration by Mark Reddie

The setting of our opening sequence is fairly similar to Underworld

Mise en scene:
The characters are all dressed in dark clothing, much like our film, which represents evil and is reflective of the mood of the story and the characters position in terms of how good/bad they are. In the opening scene of Underworld, it is raining which shows that either something sad or 'evil' is about to happen, it is dark and this once again represents evil. In our film opening, the sky is cloudy, which may not be as effective as the rain or darkness, but due to inability to protect the camera from the rain, and film in the darkness. However, it still reflects the solemn nature of the movie.

We've used a similar establishing shot of the nature in the setting. It sets the time and establishes the weather. We filmed in cold conditions as our other inspirations of horror/thriller films have similar weather conditions. The use of high key lighting and warm weather conditions would subvert to our product 'Hunted' because it offers a positive image, the representations of thrillers and horrors are to be negative, dark. As the character in our opening sequence is a female, the camera shoots her at low angles to sow her position in the film as timid and vulnerable. There are a lot of close-ups and extreme close-ups in the opening scene of Underworld, which show the characters feelings and actions, our film also uses a lot of close-ups as it is a good way to build tension in a movie.

In Underworld, there is a mixture of digetic and non-digetic sound used, for example the thunder and rain noises, and the voice-over, of the woman speaking over the top of the scene. In our film opening, most of the opening sequence, most of the sound is non-digetic, however at the end, digetic sound is used.

Thursday 11 April 2013